Defender as a "key player" in eliminating bullying


The paper deals with the social role of the defender as a “key player” in
the elimination of bullying. The paper aims to capture in detail the character traits
and anticipated influences of the environment of the defenders in bullying on the
basis of qualitative research. These are mainly characteristics related to prosociality
and situational influences that co-determine the level of „courage to support“. The
sample of qualitative research involved three groups of respondents. The first group
included pupils in early adolescence aged 11-13 (5 respondents). The nomination of
the defenders was based on two main criteria for defining bullying. The defender was
defined as someone who stands up for those who are being hurt, and cannot or are
not able to defend themselves. The qualitative study focused on how the defenders
perceive their manifestations connected with supporting victimized classmates,
and with stopping bullying. Another group of respondents included parents of
defenders (11 respondents) and the third group were class teachers of defenders
(12 respondents). The research intended to find out how parents perceive their
children as defenders in terms of their prosociality and social relations (within the
family, with their peers). An important finding was also how the class teachers of
the defenders perceive the concrete manifestations of help and support of others.
After studying the data, the thematic analysis proved to be a suitable analytical
method. The results suggest that defenders in bullying are actively trying to create
a positive climate in the class. They are usually equipped with a number of necessary
personality traits and skills. They also receive all sorts of support from the broad
social network in which they operate (e.g. from parents and teachers).

bullying; defenders in bullying; prosociality

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