Approaches to analysing instruction in physical education: The analysis of didactical interaction (ADI) and its modification (MADI)


Instruction in Physical Education has been analysed from various perspectives since 1950‘s. Research attention has been paid to the amount of physical activities during instruction, making use of teaching time for pupils’ active exercise and didactic teacher-pupil(s) interaction. A considerable proportion of the research focuses on interaction and on quantitative as well as qualitative characteristics of teaching. Numerous analytical procedures and techniques were developed that mostly build on observation. One of these techniques is ADI – Analysis of didactic interaction; that helps to explain the relationship between the teacher-pupil(s) interactions and the learning outcomes of pupils. A simplified version of ADI is called MADI – Modified analysis of didactic interactions, which is most often used for the purposes of pre-service teacher education of Physical Education teachers. This method provides teacher students with objective feedback information about how they performed during their teaching practice. ADI and MADI are therefore tools that can be used not only to analyse Physical Education instruction but also to influence it and improve upon it.

instruction; instructional quality; Physical Education; research on interaction; ADI; didactic interaction; MADI; modified analysis of didactic interaction

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