The quality of peer-feedback in inquiry activities in Human biology lessons



The paper is focused on quality of peer feedback on solution of inquiry task from Human biology lesson. The main aim of this study is to compare the peerassessment and assessment performed by teacher and researcher as well as to review the provided feedback, its content, elaboration or emotional dimension. In total, 15 pupils from lower-secondary level and 30 pupils from grammar school (the same grade as the first group of pupils) were involved in this study. Pupils filled the protocol which was assessed by their peers who also provided them the written feedback.

We used coding tool for analysis of provided feedback and we found out that the assessors tried to write the feedback to their peers in most of cases and they tried to advise them how to improve their present work. The poor experience with inquiry tasks is the problem because it influences also the ability to provide the feedback. It leads to pupils’ uncertainty in formulating the advices how to improve original protocol, mainly in relation to assessment of design of own experiment. The pupils have also problem with using the descriptive language and they are not able to express their ideas and suggestions. This fact can lead to failure to provide the adequate written commentary. It was found that the discussion during formulating the feedback is very effective way to clarify pupils’ ideas about the right solution of the task and pupils also proved their ability to work with own mistake.

formativní hodnocení; vrstevnické hodnocení; písemná zpětná vazba; badatelsky orientované vyučování; biologie; projekt ASSIST-ME

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