Students’ Indiscipline in the Classroom


The overview study is based on 121 foreign research papers dated 1986–2018. It focuses on studies conducted in the Euro-American sociocultural environment. The overview study is concerned with the manifestations of students’ indiscipline especially in primary and secondary schools. The study is divided into five parts. The first part shows why it is difficult to define student indiscipline and how varied the terminology is. In addition, different types of students’ indiscipline are characterized. The second part summarizes factors influencing student’s indiscipline. They include: special characteristics of the students themselves, their classmates, teachers, the entire class, interactions between the teacher and the class; special characteristics of the respective school, school district, students’ family background, educational system of the respective country and its school policies. The third part of the study offers an overview of methods used to identify students’ indiscipline (examples of qualitative, quantitative and mixed approach). The fourth part discusses the consequences of students’ indiscipline, namely the impact of classroom misbehavior on teachers, classmates and their learning, the overall instruction and its results, classroom climate, school climate and the entire country. The fifth and final part presents three conceptual approaches aimed at helping solve classroom misbehavior: the historically oldest approach is based on the teacher, i.e. the system of punishments and rewards; the second approach centers around the student, his or her self-control and self-regulation and auto-regulation; and the final approach is built on a group of students,  communication between the students and their teachers regarding appropriate classroom behavior, group decision-making and peer pressure on misbehaving classmates. The study points out that mere repression or elimination of classroom misbehavior is not enough, as it is necessary to, at the same time, develop also positive classroom behavior.

students; teachers; classroom indiscipline; influencing factors; indiscipline diagnostics; indiscipline consequences; indiscipline solutions

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