„I’m different, I’m salty… and I’m going to die earlier“ (child/pupil with cystic fibrosis in educational environment)


Within the present conception of inclusive education, a teacher might give lessons to a diverse group of “different” pupils. Pupils with cystic fibrosis (CF) might also be among them. CF is an incurable, progressive, and terminal illness imposing numerous limitations on everyday activities, including the school activities. The review study aims to analyse, describe, and interpret chosen life spheres of pupils and students with the illness, setting their “otherness/anotherness” in the educational process and environment. Methodological framework involved analytical, synthetic, and interpretative activities in the form of monographic procedure based on researching foreign papers and studies from available databases. Within thematic fields, that could bring about the “otherness/anotherness” in patients with CF, the following themes were covered: CF symptomatology, a community’s approach (stigma/stigmatization, victimization, community’s attitudes etc.), a person’s state subjectivity (experiencing, personal experience, the fear of death, the fear of the illness progression, anxiety, hope, depression, resilience, self-efficacy), support “required” by pupils with CF (psychological, psychosocial, emotional, relationship, parental, etc.), as well as the educational process specifics. The “otherness/anotherness” described within CF is grounded in the pupils’ specific needs following from potential health condition and community’s attitudes changes. The current state of our education, respecting the demand for inclusive education, should “settle/wipe off” possible differences and “otherness/anotherness”, primarily by means of effective pre-gradual teacher training and continuous educating in the given field.

otherness/anotherness; cystic fibrosis; limitation; fear; death; education; psychosocial support

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