What is diverse and what is common in an inclusive school in terms of the Index for inclusion



The study analyzes basic characteristics of inclusive education related to diversity (otherness) based on the indicators and parameters used in Index for inclusion. In the first part, there is presented a paradigm of inclusive education and how this concept refers to the topic of “common” and “different”. A typical inklusive openness to welcoming acceptance of diversity, difference, and otherness is showed in a connection to the stapling elements of common values which are fundamental in an inclusive educational process. The next part is devoted to the thematic analysis od the Inclusion for inclusion (Booth & Ainscow, 2007), a basic material frequently used as a standard of school inclusive education (and of their evaluation). Analysing all parameters of inclusive areas and their evaluation benchmarks, we have identified four key themes reflecting the approach of inclusive school to differences; those are Acceptance, Accessibility, Support and Antidiscrimination.

inclusion; inclusive education; Index for inclusion; diversity

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