Učitelské vzdělávání v zemích EU
Buchberger, F. ATEE Guide to Institutions of Teacher Education in Európe. Brusseies: ATEE, 1992.
Gumbert, E. (ed.). Fit.to Teach: Teacher Education in International Perspective. Atlanta: Georia State University, 1990.
Karagözogiu, G. (ed.). The Policies and Models of Teacher Training in the Council of Európe Countries. Izmir: Buca Faculty of Education, 1993.
Moon, B., Galton, M. (ed.). Handbook of Teacher Training in Európe: Issues and Trends. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1995.
Váňová, M. Příprava učitelů ve vybraných evropských zemích. Praha: Ul V, 1997.

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