Socio-Cultural Animation in Spain and Latin America – a historical overview


This study deals with the phenomenon of socio-cultural animation in Spain, which began to develop in this part of the Romance-speaking world in the pedagogical and social context in the 1960s. Most Spanish experts speak of animation in the sense of socio-cultural animation, i.e., in the original and most widespread concept of animation. They understand it as a sort of community activitiy (un tipo de acción comunitaria), which has the primary goal of inducing in individuals and groups an active participation in the process of their own personal and social development. This text captures the most important phases of the development of socio-cultural animation in Spain, from the beginning up to the present with regard to its anchoring in the contemporary social context. It focuses on the three modalities of socio-cultural animation in Spain set forth by V. Ventoso Pérez in the 1990s and the current situation of the socio-cultural animation model in Spain. It also deals with the professionalization of animation and the animator and analyses the current educational and professional profiles of socio-cultural animation in Spain. The text also briefly presents socio-cultural animation in the Latin American world, in selected Hispanic countries (for example, in Argentina, Ecuador and Mexico) and determines the basic identical or different features of Spanish social-cultural animation.

socio-cultural animation; animator; leisure time education; professional orientation; Spain; Latin-American animation

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