Vyprávěcí kurikulum v učitelské přípravě



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Conle, C. Between fact and fiction: Dialogue within encounters of difference. Educational Theory 1997a, 47(2), s. 181-201.

Conle, C. Images of change in narrative inquiry. Teachers and Teaching 1997b, 3(2), s. 205-219.

CONLE, C. et al. Forthcoming. Narrative understanding in preservice teacher education Pacific Educational Press. (V tisku.)

Connelly, F. M., Clandinin, D. J. Teacher as curriculum planners: Narratives of experience. New York: Teachers College Press, 1988.

Connelly, F. M., Clandinin, D. J. Stories of experience and narrative inquiry. Educational Researcher 1990, 14(5), s. 2-14.

Connelly, F. M., Clandinin, D. J. Personal experience methods. In Denzin, N., Lincoln, Y. (Ed.) HanDbook of qualitative research. London: Sage Publications, 1994.

Dewey, J. Relation of Theory to Practice in Education. In Archambault, R. (Ed.) John Dewey on Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.

Gadamer, H-G. Wahrheit und Methode. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1960, English translation, Paul Siebeck, 1975.

Gerrig, R. Experiencing narrative worlds. On the psychological activities of teaching. Newhaven&London: Yale University Press, 1993.

Habermas, J. (German 1981). The theory of communicative action. Volume One. Reason and the rationalization of society. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1984.

Habermas, J. (German 1981). The theory of communicative action. Volume Two. Lifeworld and system: a critique of functional reason. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1987.

Heidegger, M. Sein und Zeit. Translated by J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson, Being and Time. New York: Harper and Row, 1962.

Pinar, W., Reynolds W., Slattery, P., P. Traubman Understanding Curriculum. New York: Peter Lang, 1995.

Schwab, J. J. Structure of the disciplines: Meanings and significances. In Bellack, A. A. & Kliebard, H. M. (Ed.) Curriculum and evaluation, s. 189-207. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing, 1977.

Wittgenstein, L. Philosophische Untersuchungen / Philosophical investigations. Translated by G. Anscombe. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1953.





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