Coal-bearing Capacity of the Lower Hrušov Member (Namurian) in the Czech Part of the Upper Silesian Basin


Maps of the coal-bearing capacity, number and total thickness of coal seams of the Lower Hrušov Member (Namurian, Mississippian) were made. They are based on exploratory boreholes´ information from the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin. Absolute coal-bearing capacity varies from 0.71 % to 6.62 %. Number of coal seams thicker than 0.1 m varies from 3 to 43 and their total thickness from 1.17 m to 14.40 m. All mentioned parameters reach their maximum in NNE–SSW trending zone west of the Orlová Structure. This situation supports the hypothesis, that preserved part of the Lower Hrušov Member could form the subsidence axis of the basin and its eastern part whereas the western part is not preserved due to post-Carboniferous erosion.

Mississippian; Ostrava Formation; Coal-bearing Capacity; 2D Modelling

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