

Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.
Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.
From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area.


Klíčová slova:
Lower Badenian; sedimentology; paleoecology; foraminifers; molluscs; heavy minerals; Carpathian Foredeep
Biografie autora

Pavla Tomanová Petrová

Česká geologická služba Brno


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