
In the Rača Unit of the Magura group of nappes the Ráztoka Beds of the Soláň Formation were studied in detail. Ráztoka Beds can be characterized as medium-rhythmic lithic flysch with grey and greenish claystones and very rarely red brown intercalations. Solely agglutinated foraminiferal fauna enabled assignment of the Ráztoka Beds to the upper Senonian (Hormosina gigantea Zone) to ?Paleocene (assemblage with Caudammina excelsa). Rare occurence of marly claystone provided calcareous nannofossils of the UC20cBP Zone, correlable with the early Late Maastrichtian. The occurrence of the high-latitude nannofossils and Biantolithus sparsus is worthy of note.

Klíčová slova:
Outer Carpathian Flysch; Cretaceous; Paleocene; calcareous nannofossils; foraminifera

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