

Early Badenian deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly studied in the sedimentary successions from drill holes Holubice 1 and Holubice 2. Facies analysis together with study of grain size, the shape and roundness of the coarsest grains, the mineral compositions of selected heavy minerals (garnet, rutile) and the gamma-ray spectra, were all used for better understanding the depositional setting and provenance. Studied sediments were deposited in coastal and shallow marine environments. Six lithofacies was recognised in the sedimentary succession in the drill holes. They have been combined into two facies associations – lower clastic one and upper carbonate one, refl ecting deposition in shallow marine settings, upward shallowing trend and reduction of siliciclastic input. The primary source of the material is located mainly in the metamorphic rocks (gneisses, amphibolites and granulites). The spectral gamma-ray logs show vertical organization, which is consistent with the facies analysis and partly also grain-size. A significant reduction of terrigenous input is connected with deposition of carbonates (sandy limestones) in the upper part of the succession.

Klíčová slova:
Carpathian Foredeep; Early Badenian; depositional environment; provenance

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