Odoric of Pordenone and His Encounter(s) with the Great Khan


From major part of Latin manuscripts of the travel report of Odoric of Pordenone, a Franciscan friar and pilgrim to the court of the Great Khan, we learn that he was personally present at an encounter of the Franciscan friars with the Great Khan. Odoric spent three or four years in Khanbaliq (now Beijing), the capital of the Yuan Empire (1271–1368) in the 1320s. In the text known as De reverentia magni Chanis is described the esteem, which allegedly Yesün Temür Khan (reigned 1323–1328) showed to the Christian faith represented by the cross. The event said to occurred during the Great Khan’s journey from Khanbaliq to his Summer Palace in Shangdu. Only a very small part of the Latin manuscripts, which arose in the central-southern Germany (recensio Germanica) in the second half of the 14th century, contain the passage, commonly known as De prædicatione magno Chani. It records, as the only source in Latin, Odoric’s predication before the Khutughtu Khan (Qošila, Küsele, reigned 1328–1329).

Odoric of Pordenone; Franciscan missionaries; encounters with the Great Khan

Sigla citovaných rukopisů

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Fi – FIRENZE, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (BNCF), Conventi Soppressi (ex S. Maria Nuova), C.7.1170, ff. 97r–100v (konec 14. stol.)

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Lon3 – LONDON, British Library (ex British Museum Library), Harley 562, ff. 22v–28v (1. pol. 15. stol.)

Me – MELK, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 46 (ex 959), ff. 139r–151r (15. stol.)

Mun1 – MÜNCHEN, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 903 (Regensburg) (Ireland), ff. 153r–173v (1420)

Mun2 – MÜNCHEN, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 21259 (Ulm. 59), ff. 13ra–27vb (1. pol. 15. stol.)

Ox1 – OXFORD, Bodleian Library, KD1612 (Digby 11) (Codices Digbeiani, No. 11, piece No. 3, f. 44), ff. 44r–59r (2. pol. 14. stol.)

Par1 – PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, F.Fr. (Rothschild.3085) (Barbois.19) (Asburnham.432) (Murray), ff. 207ra–236va (2. pol. 14. stol.).

Par2 – PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 3195 (Mazarin.4624), ff. 19r–26r (14.–15. stol.)

Par3 – PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, lat. 2584 (Colbert.1228) (Regius.3909) (Avignon.292), ff. 118r–126v (14. stol.)

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Pha2 – PRAHA, Archiv Pražského hradu, Knihovna Metropolitní kapituly u sv. Víta, N.10 (Rp.N.X) (G.3), ff. 140r–157v (2. pol. 15. stol.)

SOm – SAINT-OMER, Bibliothèque de l'agglomération de Saint-Omer, Ms. 737 (Abbaye de Saint-Bertin), ff. 1r–18r (1448)

St – STUTTGART, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB.I.20, ff. 98v–114v (2. pol. 14. stol.)

Ud – UDINE, Biblioteca Arcivescovile (Biblioteca dell’Archivio Capitolare del la Città, Seminario Arcivescovile), F. Bini Misc. XXII.3 (Bini.307), ff. 61–114 (15. či 16. stol.)

Vat – CITTÀ DEL VATICANO, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 1548 (E.V.1) (Misc.4.n.6), ff. 174r–211r (po 1453)

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Editované či publikované prameny

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