Bones from Medieval Cuisine



Animal skeletal remains from archaeological research of medieval localities create collections of bones and fragments. These collections are evaluated in archaeo-osteological detachment of Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. Results are compared with accessible literary sources and in cooperation with archaeologists are correlated to other findings. This paper is focused on bones and fragments which create the kitchen waste. Successful determination can be notably supported by finding of canalis nutricius on diaphysis of long bones.

By the help of dividing bones into categories (A, B, C) according to “worth” of meat was facilitated documentation of differences in consummation of meat in aristocratic seats and rustic houses. The highest share was very often formed by cattle bones (up to 56 %). Breeding of this animal species was favourite not only for its meat but also for other possibilities of utilization. On contrary bones of small ruminants (sheep and goat) were presented only in smaller amount (up to 17 %) on the ground of their limited utility. Also participation of pig bones was lower (not more than 10–30 %). This rate of usage of pork meat is in accordance with the level of medieval breeding of pigs – animals with one-side usage. Only small parts of findings (up to 4 %) were formed by horse bones with trace of culinary processing. Higher number was very rare and always related to specific situation in the locality under study. Cutting of bones (mostly by chopping) shows the way of slaughter and culinary processing of meat.

All these results are considered to be an important source of information about meaty component of food of medieval population in various social rank.

animal bone; cattle; horse; pig; sheep; goat; culinary processing

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