Dominance hierarchy



Dominance hierarchy has evolved as an adaptation of socially living beings to environmental surroundings. Even today, the evolutionary history of humans influences modern people of Euro-American societies. Here we 1) briefly explain the function and evolutionary background of dominance hierarchy in terms of behavioral sciences, 2) characterize features of dominance hierarchy in humans, and 3) give examples of how the dominance rank is established in humans, how it affects the life of an individual, and is manifested in human behavior.

Hierarchical structure, rank establishment and limitations given by the rank are predictable. Rank limits the individual in many ways (such as reproduction, communication, health, stress and behavioral patterns). Specialists should bear in mind the existence of social hierarchy between individuals, and between groups of individuals, to fully understand human behavior, decisions and feelings.

dominance hierarchy; hierarchy; dominance; submissiveness; society; social organization; social hierarchy; human
Author biographies

Eva Jozífková

Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem

Katedra biologie PřF UJEP
Za Válcovnou 1000/8
400 96 Ústí nad Labem
telefon: +420 475 283 613
fax: +420 475 283 622


Martina Koláčková

Ústav klinické imunologie a alergologie, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Hradci Králové

Ústav klinické imunologie a alergologie, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Hradci Králové, Sokolská 581, 50005 Hradec Králové,

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