Analysis Of Movement Structure Of The Fencing Lunge In Two Different Performance-Related Groups Of Fencers
This study is focused on kinematic analysis of the fencing lunge in different performance-related groups of fencers. The first group (n=7) consisted of elite fencers of the Czech Republic, who are active in fencing an average of 12 years (±3,4). In the second group (n=7), there were fencers who are active in fencing up to two years. Subjects of our study performed a lunge on a visual stimulus of LEDs, which is part of the Fitrosword device. The end of lunge was defined by a hit on the target. The aim of this study was the detection and characterisation of movement structure in a fencing lunge. Video recording and Dartfish TeamPro 6 Data software were used in the# evaluation of the kinematics of the lunge. The investigation revealed significant differences in the structure of individual phases of the lunge given to monitored groups of fencers. A difference in the groups of fencers was identified in reaction time, speed of extension at the elbow joint and range of the movement in lunge. The results of our study may be useful for coaches who may use these results to apply optimal pedagogical and methodological influence in the training process. Out assumption is that they can help in improving the performance of young and novice fencers when taking into account the movement structure of lunge used by elite fencers.
visual stimuli; kinematic analysis; training process; elite fencer
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