Theoretical Models of Cross-border Integration

Divided Twin Towns

This article attempts to summarize the most important definitions and theoretical models related to cross-border spatial integration based on scientific literature. It would not be possible without defining several border phenomena, because different types of borders have distinct features and form space differently. The role of borders has constantly changed over time, depending on the historical, political, geographical and other characteristics of the given region. There were times when a given border was easily permeable and at other times it was difficult to cross. Therefore, the depth of integration is also changeable. This article tries to collect the most important theoretical models which explain these cross-border spatial processes and emphasizes the importance of the characteristics of urban networks in cross-border integration. We think there are many conceptual models in international border studies which explain several border processes from different points of view, but they are not properly collected in order to explain the cross-border integration process. In addition, some theoretical models are inadequately positioned in the research of cross-border integration that is why we intend to analyze their relevance to this topic as well. Hopefully, our work will help to understand the main factors and elements influencing crossborder integration through the explanatory theoretical models collected here.

Klíčová slova:
cross-border; spatial integration; physical border; mental border; urban network; border area

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