„Já jsem právně úplně mimo“ – Zkušenosti rodičů z homoparentálních rodin v České republice

Rodičovství: plány, formy a zkušenosti


The article focuses on the definition and description of basic forms of parenthood in homoparental families, i.e. families in which a child or children are raised by two parents of the same sex. The findings are based on the results of a qualitative phenomenological survey involving 37 in-depth interviews with same-sex parents. The research approach emphasised the actors’ views. Homoparental families are specific in the Czech Republic in that the lack of equality of social parents is currently supported by legislation. Since same-sex parents feel equal in terms of the relationship with their child concerning both parental responsibility and childcare mutual replaceability, they have a critical perception of the legal inequality of social parents, who are not permitted by legislation to assume the role of the legal representative of a shared child. The declaration of parental equality with respect to the child can be interpreted as one of the strategies that same-sex parents have adopted in terms of strengthening the position of social parents. The deeper analysis of the data revealed differences in the parenting experiences of two types of same-sex parents. Lesbian women perceive the relationship with the child that they gave birth to differently to the relationship with a child that their partner gave birth to, while gay men deny or play down the importance of such differences.

Klíčová slova:
homoparental family, kinship, social parenthood, LGBT, motherhood, fatherhood

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