Rodičovské plány a cesty k rodičovství gayů a leseb

Rodičovství: plány, formy a zkušenosti


Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with 52 men and women with non-heterosexual identities, the article deepens the understanding of parental intentions and the formation of pathways to gay and lesbian parenting in the Czech Republic. The article explains the reduced parental intentions and postponement of gay and lesbian parenting in the contexts of heteronormative, biologizing and gendered discourses of parenthood and the lack of legislative recognition of homoparental families in Czechia. The analysis also sheds light on the various choices of gay and lesbian pathways to parenthood in conditions that severely limit their parenting options.

Klíčová slova:
parenting intentions, pathways to parenthood, lesbians and gays, qualitative research

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