Sítě pravého sdílení a sociální kapitál

Teorie aktér-sítí v českých sociálních a humanitních vědách


The sharing economy is currently a highly discussed but also criticized topic. In contrast to profitable form, in the sharing economy there is informal sharing in the family and personal circles of acquaintances. The article deals with a third type of sharing, which is true sharing. These are initiatives that make it possible to share material things (food, clothing, books, houseplants etc.) with strangers, yet without financial gain. Based on semi-structured interviews and ethnographic research on one initiative, I answer three questions: (1) how true sharing initiatives form networks and use social capital contained in them, (2) what motivation people have for true sharing, and (3) how people involved in these initiatives perceive the economic value of sharing. The whole theme is set in the wider context of diverse economies (Gibson-Graham 2006).

Klíčová slova:
sharing networks; motivation; economic value; Food Not Bombs

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