Guides for working with trauma: An inspiration from gestalt therapy
Trauma (thematic issue)
Psychotherapy is proved to be a basic component of a successful treatment of people with posttraumatic reactions. However, still open remains the question which concrete aspects and procedures of psychotherapy approach are the most helpful. The following text presents a basic theoretical introduction to the topic of trauma from the perspective of a relational and experiential psychotherapy approach. A summary of a recent research study of Gestalt therapy of trauma is included. Practical guides for a psychotherapy work with trauma are introduced.
Ivana Vidaković, Gestalt Studio in Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: Roubal, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: Butollo, Institute for Traumatherapy, München, Germany e-mail:
gestalt therapy; psychotherapy guides; PTSD; RCT; trauma

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