Factors of the psychotherapeutic education which influence its trainees



The contribution introduces selected results of a research survey more specifically factors and circumstances which influenced trainees of the Movisa IV. psychotherapeutic training particularly in their career advance. It is mapping a four year lasting period of training and its impact on the trainees. The psychotherapists themselves identified the spheres in which they noticed a change. However, the results of the research not only point out to the changes in professional career but describe the non-working area too. The research, the results of which will be introduced, was focused on following up the factors of the psychotherapeutic training which may influence competences, self-respect and congruence of the psychotherapist.

Ondřej Sekera, Pedagogical Faculty, University of Ostrava, Czech Republice-mail: odrej.sekera@osu.cz

personality of psychotherapist; psychotherapeutic competences; psychotherapeutic training

