Existencial aspects of community and group psychotherapy for inpatients



Addressing patient’s relationship with themselves and the outer world, an uncovering psychotherapy involves a rather natural exploration of the “universally human” issues such as freedom, death, love and faith. Reporting on a treatment programme delivered in the psychotherapy department of a psychiatric hospital, the text below discusses the topics which freely arise during psychotherapy group sessions and the nature of which reflects the fundamental determinants of human existence, referred to by some authors as existential issues. Authentic statements by members of psychotherapy groups are used in the text to illustrate the process.

Michal Kryl, psychiatrist, Psychiatric Hospital in Šternberk, Czech Republic e-mail: michal.kryl@seznam.czEva Kochtová, clinical psychologist, Psychiatric Hospital in Šternberk, Czech Republic e-mail: eva.kochtova@seznam.cz

existential issues; group psychotherapy; neurotic and psychosomatic disorders; treatment programme

