The influence of the holocaust on “Hidden children” and on the second generation



When studying the influence of holokaust on psyche we consider not only the situation of the camp survivors. We study, too, the psyche and the interpersonal relations of the so called „hidden children“ ( who were hiding either together with their parents or alone with other people) and we study, too, those who were born after the war to the parents-survivors. On those who entrusted themselves into our care often we find connection between the symptom and the original trauma (either one´s own or transmitted over generation). Apart of finding the burden caused by PTSD quite often with our clients we see, too, the signs of the post-traumatic growth: their life-long search of the meaning, their orientation on the choice of the helping professions, on various activities aimed to humanitarian causes.

holokaust-shoah; post-traumatic growth (PTG); PTSD; transgenerational transmission of trauma

