Psychiatrist in psychotherapy – Psychotherapy in psychiatrist



The integration of psychiatrist and psychotherapist roles yields both advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to deal with a completely different view of a patient in medicine and psychotherapy. Medicine can't go around without legitimate attempts of maximum objectification of patient's state. Though, this approach, while absolutely adequate in somatic fields, is possible in the field of mental health care only at the price of a considerable reduction and simplification of the unique problem of the unique patient in terms of (so far not very examined) psyche. If we don't take this important fact into consideration in the field of psychiatric diagnostics, respectively psychotherapy, our capacity to help a patient is reduced and we can even get into conflict with the primum non nocere"" principle. In somatic medicine, yet more in mental health care, a relationship with a patient is an important part of the treatment. The helper always behaves subjectively in the relationship. We assume that psychotherapy, where we consciously deal with our relationship to the patient, must build on its subjectivity and we need to perceive the whole complicated problem of diagnostics in concurrence with that. The non-negligible part of the problematic is also a question of soul-body relation; answering this question, we postulate their singular nature. This allows us to use the body as a diagnostic tool in psychotherapy as well.

body; countertransference; diagnosis; dualism; psychiatry; psychopharmacotherapy; psychotherapy; subjectivity

