Dream about integration, integration in dream



Integration in psychotherapy is not a new phenomenon, which came out in 80th and 90th years of last century. From the beginning of development of psychotherapy as a science, from 1900 – when Interpretation of dreams written by Freud was published – we can observe integrative tendencies. Every new personality, every new approach (including Freud and his psychoanalysis) more or less integrated older theories and accumulated clinical experiences. In present article we try to illustrate integrative tendencies in psychotherapeutic work with dreams – interpretative, phenomenological, cognitive and experiential. We will, purely hypothetically, imagine how personalities as Jung, Boss, Hall, Perls and Mindell could work with famous Freud´s dream about Irma.

cognitive and experiential work with dreams; Dream about Irma; integration in psychotherapy; integration in work with dreams; interpretative; phenomonological

