Effectiveness of emotion focused training for self-compassion and self-protection in individuals addicted to the internet



Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the Emotion focused training aimed at self-compassion and self-protection (EFT-SCP) in individuals addicted to the internet. The intervention is focused on emotions and is aimed to increase self-compassion and decrease self-criticism.

Method: Research sample comprised 67 participants (22 men and 45 women); aged 19 to 55 yrs.; mean age 25.61 yrs. (SD = 6.07), who were randomly divided into an experimental and control group. Internet addiction test, Sussex-Oxford compassion for the self scale and The forms of the self-criticizing and self-reassuring scale were used to measure the effect of the intervention.

Results: The results showed an increase in self-compassion as well as a decrease in self-criticism in the experimental group but not in the control group. The two-week intervention was successful in increasing self-compassion and decreasing self-criticism in people addicted to the internet.

Conclusion: The short online Emotion focused training aimed at self-compassion and self-protection (EFT-SCP) intervention seems to be an effective tool for decreasing self-criticism and increasing self-compassion in sample prone to Internet addiction.

internet addiction; self-compassion; self-protection




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