Depression and effect of short-term online Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection



The aim of this research study was to test the effect of Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection (EFT-SCP) on the level of self-criticism and self-compassion on a sample of participants with depressive symptoms. EFT-SCP is an online 14-day intervention based on the latest research findings of Emotion-Focused Therapy related to psychotherapeutic work with self-critic. The available sample of participants from the depression-focused internet forums was randomly divided into intervention and control groups after the first measurement. We measured the level of self-compassion and self-criticism of the participants just before the intervention, just after the intervention and after two months. The results showed that intervention is effective in both self-criticism and self-compassion, but over time its effects diminish. In the future, it would be necessary to repeat the research on a larger sample of participants with depressive symptoms and to verify whether the effect of the intervention EFT-SCP will last longer with longer intervention.

self-criticism; self-compassion; depression; intervention; Emotion Focused Training for self-compassion and self-protection




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