The usage of a case study design to explain the process of change in psychotherapy for depression
Případové studie v psychoterapii (tematické číslo)
In the present study, we describe how we used the basic steps of case study design introduced by Roubal, Čevelíček, and Řiháček to better understand the process of change in a successful psychotherapy case with a client who had depressive symptoms. Gradually, we explain: (1) why we decided to use the systematic case study design when we wanted to explore the process of change in psychotherapy of depression; (2) what research questions we chose to answer (and what other questions we could pose); (3) what data collection procedures we used to answer our questions; (4) what we focused on in the data analysis; and (5) how we decided to structure the final text of the case study. To conclude, we summarize what we have learned throughout the work on the case study.
case study; depression; process of change; responsiveness
Copyright © 2019 Michal Čevelíček, Petr Doležal