Transference, countertransference, resistance – work with them in guided affective imagery. Case study



In this case study the author is introducing her own experience with psychotherapy treatment of the client by using the method of Guided Affective Imagery. The process of psychotherapy treatment is focused on transference, countertransference and resistance, possibilities of their analysis and potential of their use in the process of Guided Affective Imagery. Author also explains the motivation to use Guided Affective Imagery. In pictures from client's imaginations, author shows the therapy development and overcoming of client's resistance to change. This casuistic study also provides information about the client, first psychotherapeutic contact with him, anamnestic data and diagnostic considerations. In the conclusion, author evaluates the results of  therapeutic treatment.

transference; countertransference; resistance; Guided Affective Imagery; psychotherapy; imagination

