Vzdělávání mimořádně nadaných dětí v Evropě - a v České republice?



Heller, K. A., Mönks, F. J., Passow, A. H. (ed.) International Handbook of Research and Development of Giftedness and Talent 1. Edition; part: Programs and practices

for Identifying and Nurturing Giftedness and Talent in Europe, s. 779-795. Pergamon, 1993.

Freeman, J. Pour une education de base de qualité: comment dévélopper la competence. UNESCO, 1993, s. 119-129, 218-220.

Freeman, J. Educating the Very Able: Current International Research. Standard Office for Education, 1998.

Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej o uczniu zdolnym. Publ. 15, Warszawa: MEN, 1999.

Persson, R. S. Paragons of virtue: Teachers’ conceptual understanding of high ability in egalitarian school system. High Ability Studies, Vol 9, Issue 2, Dec. 1998,

Stopf, A. Sind alle Menschen gleich? Begabte vernachlässigt? Bildungspolitik, Heft 4, 1997.

Touron, J.y Iriarte, C., Reparaz, C., Peralta, F. Diversity and school curriculum: The response of Spanish educational system to the needs of academicaly able pupils. High Ability Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 2, Dec. 1998.

Bibliographie national frangaise - Livres (dílčí rešerše 2001).

Gross, M. U. M. Small poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years. Roeper Review, Vol. 21, Issue 3, Blomfield Hills, Feb./Mar. 1999.

Troxlair, D. A. Differentiating instruction for gifted students in regular education social classes. Roeper Review, Vol. 22, Issue 3, Bloomfield Hills, Apr. 2000.

McGrail, L. Modifying regular classroom curricula for high ability students. Gifted Child Today Magazine, Vol 21, Issue 2, Mar./Apr. 1998.

Pyryt, M. C., Sandals, L. H., Begoray, J. Learning styl preferences of gifted avarageability, and special needs students: A multivariate perspective. Journal of Research in Child Education, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Wheaton, Fall, 1998.

Freeman, J. Teaching gifted pupils. Journal of Biological education, Vol 33, Issue 4, Autumn 1999.

Key Data on Education in Europe 1999/2000. Bruxelles: Euridyce - EU, 2000.





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