

The Devonian clastic rocks in the northern vicinity of Brno are a segment of the north-south oriented Babí lom zone, cutting central part of the Brno Massif. Although the Devonian rocks form a seemingly isolated relict, the area of southern slope of Strážná hill (369 m a. s. l.) south of Lelekovice gives us key information for understanding the whole Babí lom zone structure: 1) The Devonian sediments are lithologically variable, with shale, siltstones, sandstones, and quartzitic conglomerates, which enables us to recognize bedding and younging. 2) Bedding changes its orientation: it is dipping towards the east in the west, vertical in the middle, and overturned with dip towards the west in the east. 3) The Devonian rocks are limited partially primarily with transgressive boundary (in the SW with relict of fossil weathering) and partially tectonically (in the E and NW). These facts can be interpreted by the following
explanation: 1) The Devonian beds form a recumbent fold, which is most likely an anticline with axial surface dipping towards the west. 2) The fold structure probably originated by dragging alongside a thrust fault and is a lower part of a tectonic sheet. 3) The Babí lom ridge may represent an upper part of the sheet. A segmentation of the structure is a result of subsequent brittle faulting.

tectonics; Devonian; Brunovistulicum; Brno Massif; Variscan orogeny

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