
A detailed field facies- and ichnofacies analysis undertaken in the southern part of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. revealed the Moravice Formation of upper Viséan age being composed a relatively uniform, fine-grained siliciclastic turbidite system. At its base proximal, coarse-grained channel deposits with some olistoliths alternate with shales and fine-grained turbidites to form distinct, asymmetric, fining- and thinning upward cycles deposited in the inner- to middle submarine fan environment. Upper, fine-grained parts of the cycles are rich in trace fossils of the Zoophycos (+/- Nereites) ichnofacies. Younger, volumetrically dominant parts of the Moravice Formation include thick successions of shales interbedded with laminae and thin beds of distal turbidites and/or (?) contourites, which accomodate numerous graywacke bodies n x 10 to n x 100 m thick, interpreted as depositional lobes deposited in the outer fan environment. Peripheral parts of the depositional lobes contain abundant trace fossils of Cruziana and Nereites ichnofacies. Anomalous, along-strike persistent occurrence of the proximal, coarse grained clastics and olistoliths at the base of the Moravice Formation indicate a quick change in basin topography to take place approximately at the base of upper Viséan, governed presumably by a compressional tectonic pulse.

Lower Carboniferous; siliciclastic turbidites; submarine fan; ichnofacies; foreland basin

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