
This contribution study the small tectonics of the Bíteš Group rocks at the locality Křoví quarry near the town of Velká Bíteš, which belongs to the Moravicum of the Svratka Dome. In the quarry layers alternation of the Bíteš orthogneises and amfibolites is exposed. The dip direction of foliation is N-S and the dip of foliation vary from subvertical in central parts of the quarry to subhorizontal in outhern parts of the quarry. The dip direction of subhorizontal lineation is N–S. The asymetric porfyroclasts indicate the anomalous sinistral shear. The layers of the Bíteš orthogneises were folded least through two phases. During the first phase was developed close to isoclinal ptygmatic folds. These folds was superpositioned by convergent-divergent pattern during the second folding phase. The dip direction of the subhorizontal fold axis of both phases is N–S. The folds are classifed as the class 1C. The rapid competent contrast of the rocks caused the origin of the ptygmatic folds in the orthogneises, whereas the amfibolite was deformated by the plastic flow. Based on the study of whole rock chemistry, the protoliths of amphibolites were basalts derived from an undepleted mantle source in within-plate geotectonic setting. Microstructures and bulk rock chemistry of the orthogneisses are consistent with their plutonic origin. We assume that the aplite layers following the contacts between the gneiss and amphibolite could serve as weakened zones, along which the basic magma could intrude the gneiss. The absence of feeder dykes can result from strong simple shear deformation.

Moravicum; Svratka Dome; Bíteš Group; small tectonics; ptygmatic folds; ortogneiss; amphibolite

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