In the course of dealing with the grant projects GAČR 205/00/0985 and 205/01/1582, several Lower Cretaceous localities of the Silesian Unit known for the presence of macrofauna (above all ammonites) were visited. The goal was not only to verify the presence of macrofauna, but also to take samples of dark pelites for palynological analyses directed towards non-calcareous dinoflagellates. Results were utilised for making the stratigraphical position of dinoflagellates in the Silesian Unit more accurate (Skupien - Vašíček 2002, Skupien 2003). In the following text, an overview of the unpublished palynological content in the most important localities of Hauterivian to Albian age is presented.
Western Carpathians; Lower Cretaceous; noncalcareous dinoflagellate cyst
Davey, R. J. - Verdier, J. P. (1973): An investigation of microplankton assemblages from latest Albian (Vraconian) sediments. - Rev. Esp. Micropaleont., 5, 173-212. Madrid.
Leereveld, H. (1995): Dinoflagellate cysts from the Lower Cretaceous Río Argos succession (SE Spain). - Lab. Palaeobot. Palynol. Contr. Ser., 2, 1-175. Utrecht.
Leereveld, H. (1997): Hauterivian Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the western Mediterranean. - Cret. Res., 18, 421-456. Amsterdam.
Skupien, P. (2003): Souhrn palynologických výsledků z výzkumu nižší části slezské jednotky (český úsek vnějších Západních Karpat). - Sbor. věd. Prací Vys. k. báň. TU, Ř. horn.-geol., monografie 8, 107-116. Ostrava.
Skupien, P. Vašíček, Z. (2002): Lower Cretaceous Ammonite and Dinocyst biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Silesian Basin (Outer Western Carpathians). - Geol. Carpathica, 53, 3, 179-189. Bratislava.
Vašíček, Z. (1975): Biostratigrafie mesozoika slezské jednotky na severovýchodní Moravě (závěrečná zpráva výzk. úkolu C-52-347-001-05/02). - Manuskript VB Ostrava.
Vašíček, Z. (1977): Hukvaldy - die neue makrofaunistische Lokalität der Schlesischen Einheit (Hauterive). - Čas. Slez. Muz., Ser. A, 26, 129-136. Opava.
Vašíček, Z. - Skupien, P. - Šulgan, F. (v tisku): New Occurrences of Lower Cretaceous Ammonites in the Western Part of the Silesian Unit (Barremian - early Aptian, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic). - Jour. Czech Geol. Soc. Praha.
Wilpshaar, M. - Leereveld, H. (1994): Palaeoenvironmental change in the Early Cretaceous Vocontian Basin (SE France) reflected by dinoflagellate cysts. - Rew. Palaeobot. Palynol., 84, 121-128. Amsterdam.