

Several kilometers long section was excavated in sandy-clayey rhythmites of Lower Badenian age and in Quaternary gravel, sand and loess. The eastern part of Miocene sediments is folded by asymetric folds of Xm order and generally of northern vergency. Some exceptional folds with eastern vergency are explained by downslides on the paleoslope. The western part of the section is unfolded and with small normal slip faults. The Lower Badenian age of sediments was determined by analysis of foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils. Miocene rhythmites are eroded at the top and overlain by gravels deposited most probably in braided rivers. The pebbles are of local provenance (Lower Carboniferous greywacke and Paleogene sandstones, quartz).

Carpathian fordeep; Quaternary; Lower Badenian; tectonics; provenance

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