Two sites with a different type of vegetation (coniferous and deciduous) were chosen in the Moravian Karst for a soil sampling. Twelve complete vertical soil profiles were removed, divided into individual samples (each about 10 cm in length of the soil profile, i.e., about 25 g of weight) and leached by distilled water and KCl solution (25 %). pHs of the leachates was measured to found the actual distribution of pH-values within the profile. The pH was generally low near surface (A-horizon); the mean pH-values were 3.72 (KCl solutions) and 4.67 (distilled water) in the leachates from the soils under coniferous, and 3.71 (KCl solutions) and 5.05 (distilled water) in the leachates from the soils under deciduous. Such low values suggest the presence of humic species (fulvic acids). The pHvalues of the leachates from the soils under deciduous vegetation stagnate to the depth of approximately 25 cm and steeply increase to the values of 7.02 (KCl solution) and 8.25 (distilled water) in the depth of 55-65 cm. In the soils under coniferous vegetation, pH gradually increase to the values of 5.61 (KCl solution) and 6.81 (distilled water) in the profile depth of 7585 cm. The systematically lower pH-values and deeper soil profiles under coniferous indicate that the soil solutions under this type of vegetation are more aggressive. However, the solution acidity has been neutralized right in the soil profile.
humin; karst; leachate; pH; soil; solution; vegetation
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