

The Želešice amphibolite body is situated along the southwestern margin metadiorite belt in the Central Basic belt of the Brno Massif. The metabasites and associated rocks (ultramafic rocks and biotite gneisses) comprise a metamorphic complex less than 2 km thick. The sequence of mafic and ultramafic metavulcanic rocks overlying metasediments probably represents the upper part of the ophiolite. The mineral assemblage metabasites (Pl + Hbl ± Bt ± Ep ± Qtz ± Act) and amphibole chemical zonation indicate polyphase metamorphic evolution. Three metamorphic evolutionary stages can be distinguished: (i) regional metamorphism (M1) in amphibolite facies grade (> 5 kbar, 550-650 °C), (ii) contact metamorphism (M2) related to the intrusion of the Cadomian granitoids (650-700 °C, ~ 6 kbar), (iii) the Variscan metamorphism (M3) under greenschist facies conditions (450-530 °C for 2 kbar).

Brno Massif; amphibolites; ultramafic rocks; PT conditions

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