Změna parageneze eflorescentů stavebních materiálů hradu Veveří v průběhu roku


This study presents some degradation phenomena of building materials. It is well known that degradation mostly depends on salt transport across a porous system. The object chosen for the study was State Castle Veveří, where the building materials used were stone, brick and mortar. These building materials have been exposed for a long time to central European climate conditions. Weathering of masonry in these conditions leads to its degradation. Efflorescence represent a good evidence of masonry salting. Efflorescence and their assemblage were studied in detail for one year. The conclusion that was drawn was that efflorescence assemblage is influenced by relative humidity, temperature, capillary water, position of masonry with respect to prevailing rain direction, and sunshine intensity.

Castle Veveří; climatic conditions; degradation; building stone; efflorescence

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