Odraz sialického vulkanismu na východním okraji Českého masivu v klastických sedimentech devonu


In sandstone and fine coarse conglomerates of the Devonian basal clastic (southern part of Moravian Karst) were found clasts of volcanic rocks. They were very fine grained to aphanitic rhyolite, porphyric rhyolite, banded rhyolite and trachyte rocks. K-feldspars in most volcanic clasts have an increased volume of BaO (0,2–1 wt. %). Biotite corresponds to annite. It was compared with a tuff horizon within the Devonian basal clastics. It has an increased volume of Ba, Sr , Y and the ratio of K/Rb. The Devonian volcanic rocks under investigation differ from petrologically and geochemically similar volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Brno Massif.

Moravian Karst; Devonian basal clastics; volcanic rocks; chemical composition

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