

The portable X-ray-fluorescence analyser is being used for Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, U, V, Zn a Zr. There is an Alpha model (Innov-X Systems, Inc) used at the Czech Geological Survey for geological mapping, contamination of the soil, stream sediment or vegetation and for geochemical purposes and environmental mapping. For the measurement the total amount of sample with 10–30 g of material was used, it means such amount of material which can cover in large measure the window of the instrument. The thickness of the measured layer varies from 3 to 20 mm. For the study purposes 100 samples was analyzed including 20 reference laboratory samples. Its specification is presented in Table 1. To compare both sets of samples the whole rock analysis of duplicate samples has to be mesasured and this kind of analysis was provided by Acme Analytical Laboratories (Vancouver) Ltd., Canada. The results shows that correlation between measurement based on XRF method and reference materials or classic laboratory measurements corresponds in a good way. The most of the evaluated components reaches acceptable relative errors by precision of the measurement. Using this instrument makes the process of samples selection for the regional environmental research or core samples measurement much easier. In a short period we can analyze the wide spectrum of components under the low cost budget.

rentgen-fluorescence; portable XRF; soil; stream sediment; suspended particulare matter

Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. (2008): AcmeLabs. Services & Fees 2008. – Acme analytical laboratories Ltd., 36 p., Vancouver B.C.
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