

In Moravia, the Lower Badenian Carpathian Foredeep represents a final evolutionary stage of the peripheral foreland basin in the NW of the Central Paratethys. In this area, material from HV 5 Rybníček borehole (Vyškov area) and Olomouc outcrop localities were studied. For the analysed samples, planktonic/benthic ratio (p/b ratio), Jaccard index of equitability, Shannon – Wiever index of diversity, benthic foraminiferal oxygen index (BFOI) and absolute paleobathymetry were calculated. Paleoecological interpretations point out different bathymetric conditions but similar conditions of oxygen level and stress factor influence in studied localities. Different paleobathymetry could be evidence of tectonic predisposal height – different paleorelief during the Lower Badenian period which enabled shallow water along with deep water sedimentation in this area.

Carpathian Foredeep; Lower Badenian; foraminiferal fauna; paleoecology; paleogeography

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