

Dome-like hills are broadly distributed in both studied areas. Southwest of Krnov these hills, rarely narrow ridges, are built of resistant greywackes, their surrounding landscape by lithologically equal, but considerably more fi ssured rocks. The features are considered to be irregularities of the basal surface of weathering developed due to deep differential fossil weathering in warm and humid tropical climate
till the Middle-Miocene and stripped as well as lowered already before the Pleistocene. In the territory north of the town of Žulová numerous low hills, early oft en described as roches moutonnées are developed together with inselbergs (34 up to about 100 m high inselbergs in the area of 110 km2 or so have been distinguished) due to etching and stripping of the basal weathering front. In fact glacial abrasion influenced the features only negligible. The relief discussed in both areas is considered as a stripped etchsurface of complex origin.

basal surface of weathering; stripped etchsurfaces

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