

New results of petrographical investigations of the Early Cretaceous rocks monchiquite-picrite group in the area around the town of Valašské Meziříčí (Silesian Unit of the flysh belt, the West Carpathians) provide evidence on polyphase magmatic and postmagmatic evolution. All observed textural and mineralogical features originated during injection of Mg-rich magma into wet sediments or on the sea floor and subsequent reaction with seawater. Occasional presence of the amphibole (kaersutite) is controlled by high volatile content. The compositional evolution trend of pyroxene from diopside towards aegirine and spinelides from chromium spinels core to magnetite rim can be explained due to crystallization of the residual melt under higher oxygen fugacity. During cooling a part of the primary magmatic assemblage was transformed to the secondary minerals. Alteration products include chlorite, magnetite, serpentine, limonite, albite, titanite, K-fedspars and calcite, some of which fill vesicles and/or joints.

Silesian Unit; petrology; picrite; monchiquite; pyroxene; hydrothermal alteration

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