

Woody debris in streams and rivers is an important controlling variable of channel morphology. Morphological and sedimentological effects of individual wood pieces and wood accumulations in two segments of the Černá Opava River were investigated. It can be concluded that live and dead woody vegetation conditioned the origin of river branching after the extreme flood in 1997. Afterwards, woody debris governed the spatial distribution of small erosional bed forms (pools) and also partly enhanced the retention of finer sediments. Woody debris has also local impact on sediment grain size and to a lesser extent on sediment sorting. Bed load samples from fluvial forms which were generated by woody debris show finer and better sorted sediments. However, the difference to samples unaffected by woody debris is statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, it is inferred that the presence of woody debris increased the differences in sediment grain size and sorting on a local scale.

woody debris; channel morphology; grain size; sediment sorting; the Černá Opava River

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