

Danube Basin Upper Miocene to Pliocene development is well recorded in its sedimentary succession, where three depositional sequences were documented (marked DB1, DB2 and DB3). First lacustrine depositional cycle (DB1) comprises the Lower to lowermost Upper Pannonian sediments (A–F zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the Ivánka Formation and lower part of the Beladice Formation, deposited in time span 11.6–(9.7?) 8.9 Ma. Second lacustrine to alluvial depositional cycle (DB2) comprises the Upper Pannonian sediments (F, G and H zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the upper part of the Beladice Formation and Volkovce Formation, deposited in time span 8.9 – 6.3? Ma. Third, alluvial depositional cycle (DB3) comprises the Danube Basin Upper Pliocene sediments represented by the Romanian Kolárovo Formation, dated 4.1? – 2.6 Ma.

Danube Basin; Upper Miocene; Upper Pliocene; depositional cycles

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