Finding of the aluminum-rich spinelides and corundum in the slags produced by silver metallurgy from the Stříbrné Hory in the Havlíčkův Brod Ore District


This work deals with the unique association formed by spinelides and corundum in historical slag after smelting of silver ore from the site Stříbrné Hory in the Havlíčkův Brod Ore District. To study these phases, polarizing microscope and electron microprobe (WDX and EDX) were used. The slag consists primarily of glass and residual quartz, which also contained sillimanite needles. During smelting the quartz and sillimanite have been partially melted and aluminium-rich spinelides crystallized in the surrounding glass. Euhedral crystals of spinelides range 5 to 25 μm in size and are composed predominantly of hercynite (55–58 mol. %), to a lesser extent gahnite (21–24 mol. %), spinel (18–24 mol. %) and galaxite (4–5 mol. %). Corundum probably originated during the smelting from secondary mullite at temperatures around 1 300 °C. Corundum together with glass form a paramorphosis aft er sillimanite aggregate.

Havlíčkův Brod Ore District; spinelides; corundum; slag; silver smelting

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