Lower Badenian deposits on the locality of Zaječí hora



Lower Badenian deposits were newly exposed at Zaječí hora Hill (Brno city). Sedimentological and paleontological study of the succession recognised two facies associations. The lower one was formed by the lower Badenian clastic deposits known locally as “Brno sands”. The upper one is formed by the lower Badenian offshore clays known as “tegel”. The Neogene beds were covered by Quaternary loess loam. Lower Badenian succession is interpreted as progradation of the Gilbert-type delta foreset into relatively deep basin followed by the flooding of the area by the open sea. The position of the locality close to a steep basin margin was prone to reflect role of local factors influencing the depositional processes and conditions.

Lower Badenian, sedimentology, paleoecology, foraminifers, molluscs, heavy minerals, Carpathian Foredeep

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