Mineralogy of two types of iron ores from historical deposits at the Rudná hora Mount near Vernířovice in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.


Two types of iron ores were found in historical deposits at the Rudná hora Mount near Vernířovice in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.: (1) banded quartz–magnetite ores with amphibole, and (2) amphibole–magnetite ores. The ores of the first type consist of alternating bands composed of magnetite+amphibole (mainly magnesiohornblende or magnesiohastingsite) and quartz. The Magnetite is slightly martitized. Other minerals are biotite (partly chloritized), plagioclase, apatite, epidote, garnet, allanite–(Ce), calcite, ilmenite, rutile, titanite and zircon. The ores of the second type are rare in the studied area. Besides of magnetite (more than 50 vol. %) and amphibole (mainly magnesiohornblende and actinolite) alternating in thin bands, the ores are composed of biotite (partly chloritized), apatite, epidote, rutile, ilmenite and zircon. Amphibole–magnetite ores seem to have been formed from banded quartz–magnetite ores of Proterozoic age at a contact with basic magma.

Silesicum; iron ores; BIF; magnetite; amphiboles

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